Embrace Your Oddities is currently accepting review copies of novels. Embrace Your Oddities also participates in author interviews and giveaways to promote novels.
Embrace Your Oddities will only accept books in the following genres:
- Paranormal Romance
- Urban Fantasy
- Dark Fantasy
- YA Paranormal
- Fantasy
- Crime Fiction
Book Formats
- Bound Books
- ARCs & Galleys
- eBooks
Published Books Only
Currently, Embrace Your Oddities is not accepting self-published books.
If your novel is excepted, a review will be posted on embraceyouroddities.blogspot.com as well as on Goodreads.com and Amazon.com.
My review will include the following:
- Book Cover
- Author Website/Social Networking Site
- Links to purchase the book (Amazon.com)
- The Review
- A Rating
I would rather not give a time frame for reviews, but if you would like your book to be featured within a certain time period, please include this in your review request.
I will do my best to review ARCs before the release date.
If you are interested in having your book reviewed or would like to participate in an author interview or giveaway to promote your book, please contact me at embraceyouroddities@gmail.com or fill out a Book Review Request Form, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.